Bluetooth dongle from China :-)
I’ve been using bluetooth headpones for few months and I like this ‘wireless’ feature. Only one issue bugs me – short range. Effectively it’s sbout 2-3 meters in my home
So, I came up with idea to buy external bluetooth dongle, preferably with external antenna to fix this problem.
I found such dongle on eBay for less than $2 (including shipping!). Yeah, real bargain. Description stated: “Operation range: 0-100m.”.
That was all what I needed:-)
After some time I received:
Looks good, moving antenna was a little weird, but I thought that I might broke it (cheap is cheap and easy breakable).
But I couldn’t resist do disassemble it
And then surprise came outside:
External ‘antenna’ was only piece of plastic. It was so ridiculous, so I even can’t blame seller or manufacturer for a good joke. Ha ha ha
So, it reminded me that there is no such thing as free lunch.
Problem unresolved.
To bardziej juz ‘standard’ niz zart.
Gdzies ok 10 lat temu nabylem podobne cudo z taka sama ‘antenka’ i jak widac nic sie nie zmienilo.
Ciekawe ze komus sie chce ten dodatkowy zbedny element wytwarzac……
Jeżeli podnosi to cenę, to jak widać się opłaca
Te bez ‘antenki’ są tańsze.