Happy New Year 2013!
Hello again:-)
Happy New Year to everyone!
What’s up – you may ask? A few things is going on. This year I hope that some my projects will be finished.
You may expect soon articles about:
1. How to make DYI R/C transmitter:
I really need it for tricopter, so I’m about to finish it soon (only few things left to make it usable).
2. Add bluetooth module to ‘heart’ of my tricopter:
3. Reprogram Hobbyking’s SuperSimple ESCs with Simonk firmware for better performance:
4. Of course finishing Tricopter is still high priority and all above things are small pieces of the same puzzle
5. Translate articles/posts with only one language.
6. I’m also planning to make few articles about my r/c models.
Meantime shit happens
Wine & laptop are not very good companions. Even with ‘coffee resistant’ X61s. Luckily for me, I disassembled it, dryed wine, washed motherboard using isopropanol, keyboard using fresh water, and it works again:-)
Another unlucky thing is that qTranslate (plugin allowing me to publish articles in multiple languages) is abandoned and it looks like that in the near future I’ll have to switch and migrate to another one, and of course it will take time I could spend on writing other articles and making other fun things:-)
See you soon:-)
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