Here you can find some information, schematic and modification of HobbbyKing’s cheap E-OSD.
Everything on that page i did almost year ago, but I think it deserves for some immortality and maybe it will be useful to someone 🙂
How it looks like?
Just as it arrived:
After removing shrinkwrap:
Yes, I did also this schematic laying around on Rcgroups from some time 🙂
This is updated version with capacitors values added (I found them on my schematic annotated by Constantine Safronov (dollop on Rcgoups)):
GPS modification
I have added connector for RX and TX pins to connect gps module to it. I hadn’t taken pictures during this mod, but if you are curious how to physicaly add connector, you can read about similar mods of G-OSD here and here.
This is how it looks like after modification:
Why such mod? Stock E-OSD doesn’t support gps but alternative software exists and works: CL-OSD
I couldn’t find any video of E-OSD flashed with CL-OSD and GPS mod on the internet. You shoud post a video of that working so peaple know how it looks like, Is there an arrow poiting home like the G-OSD flashed version?
I don’t have any screenshots from E-OSD right now, but i’ll make it at first oportunity and i’ll put it here.
Hi, Brilliant job on this mod! I would like to do the same but i cant seem to find any guides anywhere apart from yours. Do you know if there are any instructions anywhere with exactly what to modify, pins etc which is tx/rx etc.
Also do you know which types of GPS modules can you use?
Hope you can help!
Hello Phil,
thank you. This is quite simple case – gps sends position using serial protocol, so to receive this, you need to connect it to CPU’s serial port. In Atmega88 there is only one such input (RX) on pin 30 (in this MLF case). If you have simple gps it’s enough, but if you have more advanced module that require reprogramming to change baud rate and other things, connectiong TX (pin 31) pin could be also very handy.
So, if you zoom last image, you should see that’s what I exactly did.
More about gps options, mods, flashing alternative firmware you could find at rcgroups thread: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1490446
Excellent! thank you for the info! 🙂 Looks like I will be having a long read on that thread shortly!
Kopałem po RCG a tu rodzimy projekt 🙂 . Mam pytanie czy da się wykorzystac GPS z RemzibiOSD do tego projektu ?Czy ustawienia wprowadza się tylko w config.h , No i czym mozna skompilować projekt po zmianach . A może masz hexa który zadziała z remzibi ?
ps. Jak przeczytałem o bloczkach w nadajniku to od razu skojarzyłem czyja to strona 🙂
w jednym z nadajników z powodzeniem od kilku lat używam modulatora od Zbiga .
1. Projekt nie jest mój. Ja tylko rozrysowałem schemat 🙂
2. Zmiany robi się w config.h, ale najpierw w hardware.h trzeba odkomentować odpowiedni typ sprzętu (e-osd z lub bez gps-a, lub g-osd)
3. Nie pamiętam jaki gps ma RemzibiOSD, ale powinno działać. Możliwe, że trzeba będzie przestawić GPS_BAUD na 9600, ale to trzeba popróbować. Byłbym tylko ostrożny z zasilaniem, bo sam moduł gps-a jest na 3.3V i nie wiem czy jest tam dodany stabilizator – jak nie, to trzeba będzie dorobić, bo inaczej można usmażyć moduł.
4. Co do bloczków, to muszę napisać kolejny post o lcd88, bo w międzyczasie udało mi się to sportować na zwykłe arduino (tzn. hardware) i tani lcd 1.8″ z ebay-a 🙂